Draconians are the descendants of dragonoids who merged with other creatures and eventually coalesced into their own race. Some draconians are large-sized and take the large sized trait (7 RP) upon maturing to their adult age (21 RP total).


Abilities (2 RP): +2 Con, +2 Cha

Types: Draconians are medium humanoids with the draconic subtype. Some are Large-sized possessing the same stats but with an additional +2 Str, -2 Dex, and increased carrying capacity, reach, and weapon damage for 7 additional RP.

Senses (3 RP): Darkvision 60 feet, low-light vision

Draconic Subtype (2 RP): Draconic creatures can be treated as either their actual type or the dragon type by all effects (creator's choice) but have a +2 racial bonus to saves against any effect that either type are normally immune to.

Natural Armor (3 RP): +2 natural armor.

Natural Attacks (2 RP): Draconians have a bite attack dealing 1d4 piercing damage and two claw attacks each dealing 1d4 slashing damage. If they gain and activate the Claws and other natural weapons provided by a draconic bloodline from a bloodrager or sorcerer, they are treated as having the Improved Natural Attack feat for these natural weapons while those abilities are activated.

Draconic Sorcery (2 RP): Draconians have Eldritch Heritage as a racial feat without having to meet the prerequisites. However, they can only select a draconic bloodline. If they gain the draconic bloodline from another source (such as bloodrager or sorcerer levels) they gain a +2 racial bonus to the DCs of all spells and special abilities they gain from the draconic bloodline instead of this feat.