Type: Skill, Tier 1.
Benefit: Select one skill that is not a class skill. It becomes a class skill.
Special: This can be taken multiple times, adding a new selection each time.

Type: Skill, Tier 2.
Benefit: Select one class skill. You are treated as always having maximum ranks in this skill without actually having to spend any ranks. If you already have ranks invested in the skill, you regain them and retribute them to other skills upon acquiring this feat.
Special: This can be taken multiple times, adding a new selection each time. This functions as Skill Focus for the purposes of meeting the prerequisites for feats.

Type: Skill, Tier 3.
Prerequisite: Improved Skill Focus.
Benefit: You can always take 10 or 20 with class skills, even when threatened, endangered, or distracted. Whenever you spend a hero point or mythic power to improve a skill check with a class skill, you double the normal bonuses or gain advantage on the reroll.