Type: Innate, Tier 1.
Prerequisites: Charisma.
Benefits: You can mimic the voices of others you've heard with near perfect accuracy. You also ignore penalties to Disguise checks caused by being the wrong age, gender, height, race, or weight (but not size). When creating a disguise, you can perfectly mimic individuals you've observed before including specific details like scars, moles, birthmarks, accents, voice, bodily movements, etc. This grants you a +4 bonus to checks made to impersonate them such as bluff, disguise, and use magic device checks when doing so.


Type: Innate, Tier 2.
Prerequisites: Charisma; Mimicry; Shapechanger or any polymorph ability.
Benefits: When you transform into another creature that you've ever observed using armor, weapons, shields, spell trigger items, or spell completion items proficiently, you are also proficient with those items while transformed as them as if you had the feats for it and had the spells on your spell list. Your caster level is equal to your level.