A disoriented creature is slowed 1/2 this conditions value (round down), has a penalty to attack rolls and Perception checks equal to 1/2 this condition value (round up), and makes a Dexterity save every time they move or fall prone (DC11 + spaces they intend to move or effect DC, +5 DC if they don't move in a straight line or if they run or shift, or  whichever is greatest). If get a natural 1 or 2 on their attack roll or Acrobatic check, they move they aim for a random direction rolling 1d8: If they get 1, they aim north off-target by 1d3 increments. 2 = northeast, 3 = east, 4 = southeast, 5 = south, 6 = southwest, 7 = west, 8 = northwest.
Taking the Take Aim action reduces your effective Disoriented value by 1 until the end of your current turn.