Sam Slade's hardware store is a one-story wood-sided structure. In addition to the normal run of nails and hand tools, customers can buy guns and explosives at Slade's. Slade keeps a 6-shot single-action revolver by the cash register. He also carries a knife in his belt .

He lives in building 177.

Sample prices include:
hatchet = 40 cents
splitting axe = 50 cents
auger bit = 1O cents
file = 15 cents
hammer = 40 cents
saw = 45 cents
shovel = 80 cents
brace = $2
lantern = 50 cents
padlock = 40 cents;
monkey wrench = 25 cents
axe handle = 25 cents
nails = $1.50 per keg
screws = 2 cents per dozen
coffee pot = 75 cents
saucepan = 60 cents
tin cup = 5 cents
wooden water bucket = 20 cents
potbellied stove = $10

Promise City