Secluded on the planet Vada, the Academy is a training ground for psychic abilities. Newly awakened psychics are brought in from all over the sector to train, hone, and control their abilities. And, some say, to be indoctrinated into the Academy's ideals of eugenics and psychic superiority.

Hit Points: 13
Force: 1
Cunning: 5
Wealth: 1
FacCreds: 0
Experience Points: 0
Homeworld: Vada
Tags: Psychic Academy

Goal: Intelligence Coup (Difficulty 2, Destroy 5 Cunning Assets)
Force - Security Personnel (HP 3, Attack FvF 1d3+1, Counter 1d4)
Cunning - Base of Influence (HP 10)
Cunning - Boltholes (HP 6, Counter 2d6)
Wealth - Harvesters (HP 4, Counter 1d4)