Hex 0305

World: Tau Ceti Five
World Tags: Alien Ruins, Minimal Contact

The remote planet Tau Ceti Five is home to the Honorable Fraternity, a close-knit religious group dedicated to the study, preservation, and worship of the alien ruins and artifacts that are scattered across their world. In an attempt to keep these ruins intact and safe from thieves, scavengers, and archeologists the Honorable Fraternity has shut off all landing areas except for one port of contact far from any of the more intact ruins. However, several smugglers have began landing in a disused port outside of the Honorable Fraternity's control.

-Enemies: Worshiper of the Ruins
-Friends: Interstellar Smuggler
-Complications: The Locals Hide Dark Purposes From Off-Worlders
-Things: Untranslated Alien Texts
-Places: Secret Smuggler Landing Site