Trantor Beta IX

Astrological Information
Region: Deep Space
Sector: Y08-051
System: Trantor Beta System
Suns: 2
Moons: 9
Rotational Speed: 22 hours
Orbital Speed: 338 days

Physical Information
Class: M - Terrestrial
Atmosphere: Breathable, Thick, Poluted
Climate: Temperate, Warm
Gravity: 1.2g
Primary Terrain: Mountain, Industrial, Urban, Irradiated Zones

Societal Information
Native Species: Orcs, Goblins
Primary Language(s): Common; Orcish
Government: Magocracy; Formerly Anarchy (Gang Rule)
Population: 11.5 billion (mixed; orc dominant)
Affiliation: Empire
Trantor Beta IX was once an industrial world, massive super structures were built to mine, refine, and transport into orbit the rich Duranium deposits found on the planet. Massive mining and factory complexes were built on the surface and below ground to handle the billions and billions of tons of ore the planet was producing. For more than five-hundred years, Trantor Beta IX was one of the largest Duranium producers in the galaxy.

But then the ore started to run out. Mining, refining, and orbital transport companies went bankrupt overnight. One day factories and refineries were chugging away, billowing thousand of tons of toxic pollutants into the air and the next they were simply abandoned, left to rust and decay. Toxic sewage plants began to back up as their operators were either laid off or forced to find work off planet. The massive layoffs resulted in economic collapse and systemic unemployment. The huge population that remained on the planet, mostly Orcs and Goblins, began warring over territory, supplies, and clean water. Gangs began to form and war all over the planet, taking refuge in abandoned factories and fighting it out for control in derelict refineries. For more than a century systemic Anarchy ruled the planet with gangs of various sized fighting over what little resources remained.

It is only recently that things on Trantor Beta IX have begin to "improve". A Sorcerer named MadEye, leader of the Illithuds gang, used his arcane talents to propel his gang to the top of the pile in a bloody rampage. Once he had secured his position as the most powerful gang leader on the planet, he reached out to the Zenathi Empire and requested their aid.

A lawless backwater world abandoned by the alliance and trying to be brought to heel by a lone sorcerer desperate for law, order, and peace... The empire couldn't pass it up. They responded in force, bringing the planet under their iron fist and Wuglug, an accomplished Sorcerer, was granted citizenship and the title of regional governor.