
Cruisers are the flagships of fleets all across the galaxy. They serve as mobile rapid response bases for hundreds of crewmen for month or years at a time. Cruisers are generally what everyone thinks of when they hear of a Carrier; with it's hanger bay(s) capable of deploying short range, super fast fighter craft.

Size: Gigantic (750 ft long); Hull: 4d6; Crew: 64(512); Drives: Jump Drive, Lyrium, Thrusters; Sensors: 2
Weapons: PDN: Full coverage, Close Range, 2d6 damage; Rail Gun Turret: Medium Range, 3d6 damage or Plasma Cannon: Close Range, 3d6+4; Torpedo Tubes: x3, Long Range, 4d6 damage
Qualities: Advanced Sensor Package (+2), Hangar Bay, Improved Stores, Medical AI System, Plasma Torpedoes, Self-Destruct System; Flaws: None