Team Robots

Slave City One:

Tower Robot A
Combat Robot Level 4  STA:100/31  IM: 7  Attack: 70%
Weapons: Laser Rifle (1d10 dmg per SEU) with Power Beltpack 50SEU
Programs: Attack/Defense, Search and Destroy, Computer Link

Gleep Galooup rolled 3 using 1d100 with rolls of 3.  Remove Security Lock.
Gleep Galooup rolled 36 using 1d100 with rolls of 36.  List functions.

Mission = Defend Slave City One.
Functions =  'Slave City One' as everything and every pirate inside the fence line, the pirates being identified by their distinctive tattoos. (These kinds of tattoos have become quite popular in the various megacorps across the Frontier as a means of double authentication for security networks.  Corresponding tattoo removal and time delay ink fading technology has come a long way.)  'Defend' is defined as engaging the Attack/Defence and Search and Destroy programs to eliminate any enemies defined by the base computer using the Computer Link program.

Malfunction - Exploded

Tower Robot B
Combat Robot Level 4  STA:100/72  IM: 7  Attack: 70%
Weapons: Laser Rifle (1d10 dmg per SEU) with Power Beltpack 50SEU
Programs: Attack/Defense, Search and Destroy, Computer Link

Tskskata rolled 33 using 1d100 with rolls of 33.  Remove Security Lock.
Tskskata rolled 41 using 1d100.  Listing Functions: 90% 10%/level -10%/robot level. – 41

Mission = Defend Slave City One.
Functions = 'Slave City One' as everything and every pirate inside the fence line, the pirates being identified by their distinctive tattoos. (These kinds of tattoos have become quite popular in the various megacorps across the Frontier as a means of double authentication for security networks.  Corresponding tattoo removal and time delay ink fading technology has come a long way.)  'Defend' is defined as engaging the Attack/Defence and Search and Destroy programs to eliminate any enemies defined by the base computer using the Computer Link program.

Computer Room Robot A
Combat Robot Level 4  STA:100/30  IM: 7  Attack: 70%
Weapons: Laser Rifle (1d10 dmg per SEU) with Power Beltpack 50SEU
Programs: Attack/Defense, Search and Destroy, Computer Link

Gleep Galooup rolled 6 using 1d100 with rolls of 6.  Remove Security Lock.
Tskskata rolled 4 using 1d100.  Listing Functions: 90% 10%/level -10%/robot level.

Mission = Defend Slave City One.
Functions = 'Slave City One' as everything and every pirate inside the fence line, the pirates being identified by their distinctive tattoos. (These kinds of tattoos have become quite popular in the various megacorps across the Frontier as a means of double authentication for security networks.  Corresponding tattoo removal and time delay ink fading technology has come a long way.)
Function successfully edited Tskskata rolled 30 using 1d100.  Altering Functions: 60% 10%/level -10%/robot level. – 30
  'Defend' is defined as engaging the Attack/Defence and Search and Destroy programs to eliminate any enemies defined by the base computer using the Computer Link program.

Mission: To protect 'The Party' and follow all orders of Tskskata.  Commands accepted by Tskskata or any other member of "The Party" until Tskskata gives a different order.
Protect = use Attack/Defence program to neutralize hostiles
The Party = ID files for Soell, Snarl, Orbrun, Gleep, Kirah
Tskskata = ID file for Tskskata
Command hierarchy = Tskskata + Party

Computer Room Robot B
Combat Robot Level 4  STA:100/10 Short Circuit IM: 7  Attack: 70%
Weapons: Laser Rifle (1d10 dmg per SEU) with Power Beltpack 50SEU
Programs: Attack/Defense, Search and Destroy, Computer Link

Tskskata rolled 22 using 1d100.  Removing Security Locks: 70% 10%/level -10%/robot level. – Tskskata rolled 55 using 1d100.  Listing Functions: 90% 10%/level -10%/robot level. – 55

Mission = Defend Slave City One.
Functions = 'Slave City One' as everything and every pirate inside the fence line, the pirates being identified by their distinctive tattoos. (These kinds of tattoos have become quite popular in the various megacorps across the Frontier as a means of double authentication for security networks.  Corresponding tattoo removal and time delay ink fading technology has come a long way.)
  'Defend' is defined as engaging the Attack/Defence and Search and Destroy programs to eliminate any enemies defined by the base computer using the Computer Link program.

Computer Room Robot C
Combat Robot Level 4  STA:100/39  IM: 7  Attack: 70%
Weapons: Laser Rifle (1d10 dmg per SEU) with Power Beltpack 50SEU
Programs: Attack/Defense, Search and Destroy, Computer Link

Tskskata rolled 22 using 1d100.  Removing Security Locks: 70% 10%/level -10%/robot level. – 22
Tskskata rolled 41 using 1d100.  Listing Functions: 90% 10%/level -10%/robot level. – 41

Mission = Defend Slave City One.
Functions = 'Slave City One' as everything and every pirate inside the fence line, the pirates being identified by their distinctive tattoos. (These kinds of tattoos have become quite popular in the various megacorps across the Frontier as a means of double authentication for security networks.  Corresponding tattoo removal and time delay ink fading technology has come a long way.)
  'Defend' is defined as engaging the Attack/Defence and Search and Destroy programs to eliminate any enemies defined by the base computer using the Computer Link program.

From Outpost 1:

Combat Robot Level 4  STA:100/destroyed  IM: 7  Attack: 70%
Weapons: Laser Rifle (1d10 dmg per SEU) with Power Beltpack 50SEU
Programs: Attack/Defense, Search and Destroy, Computer Link


CONTROLLER: Tskskata's personnel file.
ESCORT: Remain 3-5 meters* behind the CONTROLLER when not attacking.
ATTACK ON COMMAND: Upon receiving verbal instruction from CONTROLLER, use Attack/Defense program to apply lethal force against designated target.

*Due to the malfunction the robot needs to be reprogrammed every time you change terrain.

Mission: Combat robot's mission - to guard the complex and repel all intruders.

Functions: Guard the complex is defined as a continuous cycle of two clockwise patrols of the exterior of the complex, followed by two patrols of the interior corridors. Repel is defined as sounding an alarm by intercom (if inside the building) and then shooting to kill.  Intruders are defined as anyone without a visible Star Devils tattoo or insignia.

Volturnus Connection