
At 100 stories, the tallest buildings in The Frontier are the Pan Galactic Corp Tower and it's twin, the Port Loren Luxury Apartment tower are twice the height of their nearest rivals in the Downtown Port Loren Precinct.  Head Quarters of the first and largest Megacorp in The Frontier, PGC are also the number one employer in the city.  Their Sentient Resources Department alone is said to take up 10 floors of the PGC tower.

Several of the upper floors are connected by skybridges to the Luxury Apartment tower where many of the upper level PGC executives live, some not having set foot on the ground literally, for years at a time!

Public access is largely limited to the ground floor foyer unless prior appointments have been made.  Much of the ground floor is taken up with various types of automated information kiosks and service robots that assist in setting appointments with representatives of the many departments of PGC.

Staff and visitors have to pass through the latest available screening technology as well as a cordon of elite security personnel who verify all personnel and their duty assignments, bookings and appointments.