T'chillaVruskTechnological Ambidexterity, Comprehension 24%Robotics 1, Technician 1Robcomkit, Techkit

Goods/Services:  OPTICAL DEVICES

Infra-Red Goggles - Infra-red (IR) goggles allow a character to see heat images in total darkness. They can be used to spot characters that are hidden in light foliage or darkness, or that are using a holo belt. Cost: 300Cr

Infra-Red Jammer - An IR jammer hides the wearer from infra-red sensors, including IR goggles.  Cost:  500 Cr

Magnigoggles - Magnigoggles are goggles that magnify visual images the same way binoculars do. They triple the distance at which a character can identify a man-sized object. They do not work like telescopic sights, and a character wearing magnigoggles can not aim a weapon.  Cost: 200 Cr

Sungoggles - Sungoggles are high-quality sunglasses.  Cost:  2 Cr

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