Iapatia of Tytalus
Physical Description
A short and slight young woman of tremendous beauty, with long wavy dark brown hair, light olive skin, and piercing dark eyes. Iapatia moves with an almost aggressive self-possession, and despite her small stature tends to command the attention of any room she enters. She has the appearance of youth, looking approximately 20 years old, but a self assurance well beyond her apparent years.

In public, Iapatia dresses in the style of the Eastern Roman Empire: she wears a long sleeved floor length tunic, typically of linen or cotton, but silk if she can afford it, or wool if it's particularly cold. Over this she wears a dalmatic, a long, loose vestment open at the side. The dalmatic is heavily embroidered and decorated. Finally, Iapatia usually wears a fakiolion, a traditional women's headdress vaguely similar to a small turban. A loose cloth covering is tucked into this, which looks like a hood, but can also be drawn over the face to act as a veil. In inclement weather, Iapatia adds a sturdy fur lined cloak.

Iapatia is reserved but forceful. She tends to hold back her opinion initially, but once she presents it she defends it with fervor. She is an intelligent, attractive, and young looking woman in a very patriarchal society, she is used to having to fight to be taken seriously. Because of this, Iapatia tries very hard to pick her battles, letting minor slights or unimportant (to her) issues go, and focusing her energy on things she has strong opinions on.

Raised on the fringes of high society in Constantinople, Iapatia was recruited into the Order of Hermes at age 9, and apprenticed under Atlios of Tytalus at the covenant Hedyosmos. Iapatia is one of the Titanoi, a mystery cult of theurgists within House Tytalus. She is extremely interested in exploring, and expanding, the mysteries of the Titanoi. She is hoping to be able to learn something of the art of Summoning, lost to the Titanoi, from the hedge wizards of the Slavonic Tribunal.