Surrounding Lands
Coin is a coastal city with the open sea off to the south, the closet place to sail two is Kensai the home of the Jade Emperor and many cities with exotic spices and silks. That is a good one weeks voyage across the open seas with only a few islands between here and there, some inhabited and others not so much. The main settlement between here and Kensai being the free port of Rum. Port Rum is home to a retired Pirate, who took over the city a decade ago and keeps it open to whoever wants to venture through. To the south-west you can come across a large jungled land which is also sparsely populated or you can go east and find a desert kingdom of some wealth called Aswan. Another fact of note is that Aswan is one of the few lands were slavery is legal.

To the north, east and west of Coin plains go onwards for many days ride, this area is the Greenlands- because it is fertile land, there are three other city states, all of lesser size and power to Coin.

Further north you will come to hills then mountains, this is home of quite a few gnomes, halflings and dwarves eventually it gets so cold you reach a land of ice and giants.

To the east across the land you will eventually reach The Silver Woods Kingdom of the Ever Queen- an elven queen who has been ruling for as long as anybody can remember. Those woods are home to the elves but peaceful folk are also welcome. To the west you will some across a blasted land of ashes and volcanoes, there are no large settlements of civilised folk here but several evil dragons and tribes of humanoids make their homes here. In centuries past there was once a human kingdom here, but then the volcanoes awoke and the dragons game. The bones of those that didn't flee in time can still be found among the ruined villages, towns and forts in this area.

Below ground there are highways and tunnels and caverns, home to many races and beasts, there are a few connections to the city sewers that can be used to move between the underdark and the above lands. Drow, mind flayers, dwarves, and other creatures can all be found below.