Marriage, Dowries and Childbirth

Characters may be wed to eligible individuals either of Changeling, Kinain or Human descent. Marrying Changeling or Kinain individuals requires arrangementsm agreemtns and possible alliances from individuals of other houses best handled during the social atmosphere of the Summer Phase. Humans can be wooed and married during the Winter Phase as a downtime action. Players may also attempt to arrange marriages for their sons or daughter via the same methods and rolls. All dowries gained by these marriages go to the household's collective.

Changeling and Kinain have no social taboos in regards to marriage of affections, and thus so long as alliances/agreements permit, there is little issue of same-sex marriage or poly-marriages.

Humans on the other hand, are a bit more fickle about same-sex marriages (though can still be wooed and "married" unofficially,) but polyandry is generally not accepted by humans (though polygymy is generally considered acceptable among humans. Humans are weird.)

Commoner Humans who come with no dowry can be married as a downtime action without a roll. Eligible Humans which can bring a dowry to the marriage must be wooed/married via a 1d10 roll to determine their rank (which effects the currency value of their dowry as well as any holdings gained.

Modifiers to Marriage Rolls

Resources Per point over 2; +1
Status Per point over 1, +1
Title Per point over 2, +1
Holdings Per point, +1 (Max +5)
Charisma Roll a Charisma check, dif 6. +1 per success

Marriage(Humans) Table
1d10 Result Social Rank Dowry/Holdings Table
1-4 Wealthy Commoner R1
5-7 Esquire's Son/Daughter R1
8-9 Knight's Son/Daughter R1, H1
10 Baron's Son/Daughter R2, H1
11-14 Count's Son/Daughter R2, H2
15+ Duke's Son/Daughter R2, H3

Dowry Tables


1-4  -  Resources 1
5-9  -  Resources 2
10   -  Roll R2 Table


1-2  -  Resources 1
3-5  -  Resources 2
6-8  -  Resources 3
9-10 -  Resources 4

Each Value of resources gained through a Dowry is assumed to be a 1year value of that resources level. To confirm these amounts, check the Currency page.


1-4  -  Fallow Field
5-8  -  Barn
9-10 -  Roll H2 Table


1-3  -  Hovel
4-6  -  Farmland
7-9  -  Small Business
10   -  Roll H3 Table


1-2  -  Cottage
3-4  -  Business
5-7  -  Manor (House only)
8-9  -  Manor (House with land)
10   -  Manor (House with land) and Reroll


 Women within the household of a player have a random chance each year to give birth to a child, which can mean an heir (or for the more politically minded, a potential tool to arrange alliances.) Childbirth is a tricky process even under the best circumstances, thus for each birth 1d10 will be rolled to determine the outcome.

Childbirth Table

1   -  Roll TRAGEDY Table
2   -  Sickly Child (-1 survival rolls)
3-7 -  Healthy Child
8-9 -  Healthy Child + reroll for additional baby born
10  -  "Blessed Birth" (Guaranteed to survive to adulthood, no survival rolls needed)

Tragedy Table

1-3  -  Mother Dies
4-6  -  Mother and Child dies
7-10 -  Stillbirth

Secretly, the ST will also make a roll with each child born to determine whether they are human, Kinain or Changeling, based on the parentage. This information will be revealed when/if it becomes apparent.