House Branwen

Sworn House Eiluned
Sigil Silver raven on bend of purple and black
Nickname(s) Ravens, Gravewrights, Carrion-Minders(derogatory)
Head of House Lady Ciara
Region Scotland

House Branwen, an offshoot of House Eiluned, has taken its parent house's affinity and specialized it, turning their focus to learning of the dead. The House's founder was a gifted seer, and many have followed her example, devoting long hours to the study of the Art of Soothsay. The majority of Branwen's members are Sluagh, who already  have the ability to see the dead.

Distinction: Members of House Branwen receive the Medium merit for free.

Fault: Branwen are forbidden from ever harming ravens or crows in any fashion.

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