Brochenstein is a nation of contradictions. They are industrious to a fault with an attention to fine detail that is par none. Anything stamped with the "Made in Brochenstein" label immediately implies the highest quality perfectly mated with equally high aesthetic appeal. Luxury items are their main export, but their signature national product is the exquisite variety of chocolates. The small villages that dot the idyllic countryside and alpine regions are tidy and picturesque as any postcard.

The capitol, however, holds the heart of the darker side of this nation's personality. Tourism is also an important aspect to the economy but the Red Light District is rife with legalized prostitution, drug dens, gambling, and just about every other vice known to man.

Brochenstein, in short, is famous for both for industrious craftsmanship and unbridled hedonism, often spoken of in the same breath.


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