Name: Fentil Stak
Species: Salarian             Gender: Male

Character Description: Greying, Distracted, Quick
Advancement Trigger: An experiment yields surprising results
Bumptious: challenge my knowledge and prove that I have more to learn.

Graceless: include me in a beneficial social interaction I must spoil with blunt observation or crass behavior
Calamities :

Species: Salarian
Non-linear thinking: A Salarian gets twice the benefit from dedicating time to personal projects; they burn two steps on their project fuse.

Origin: Productive
Vocation - You’ve spent many years training in a variety of techniques and trades. Sadly, you’ve never had time for fun or relaxation. You gain +1 to your Sharp stat, to a maximum of +2.

Career: Academic

•Deduction - When you first witness a situation, you may ask one of the following questions, the GM will answer honestly.
Who or what…
    is most vulnerable in this situation?
    is most dangerous in this situation?
    caused this situation?

•Chemistry - When creating an antidote, vaccine, drug, poison or pathogen in a lab, state the effect you want it to have and its method of transmission (spray, injector, pill, etc). Roll+Sharp. On a 10+, you successfully create it. On a 7-9, it will have reduced potency or have unintended side effects.

Career: Starfarer
•Calibrations - When you diligently calibrate your favorite console or vehicle, make a Lean on Me using Weird and record the result. The next time anyone uses it, the result of the Lean on Me.

•A simple jumpsuit for his regular attire.
•M-6 Carnifax Heavy Pistol (Class 1, Kinetic, Critical Harm, Adjacent/Close, One-Handed)
Stun Attachment
•Research Kit: Tools to study and experiment out in the field. Specimen jars, hammer and chisel, scalpels, chemical analyser, data recorder, etc.
•Fentil's Staff (A group of 4)(Class 2 Researchers, Equipped x2, [Medical Kit, Engineering Kit])

Research: Sensors gather scientific readings. Laboratory, containment units, sample scanners, sealed storage.

Fentil's History

Fentil was born on a defunct asteroid mining colony that had been reappropriated by a group of Salarians attempting to work out some sort of new way to mine minerals in Zero-G so that even the atoms of precious metals would not be damaged by the normal mining process, allowing for 100 percent recovery.  A group of elders acknowledged that there was a need for procreation during this time, and so Fentil was born.

He spent only 2 years with his family before being shipped off to school.  He found all forms of research to be exciting.  He attached himself to the broad work of research so that he could study medicine, geodynamics, electronics, and even research into biotics and psychic projections.  He consumed everything.

When most Salarians were out, starting their first jobs, he was still consuming information.  As such, his first assignment did not happen until he was 30, well into his elder years.  A lot of organizations did not want him, thinking him too old to start (by salarian standards) and that any investment in Fentil would not be maximized.

Finally, a small organization that dabbled in the manufacturing of just about everything hired Fentil.  In the first 2 years he worked, Fentil's inventions and applications brought the company center stage in the galactic market.  Fentil became a golden goose.  Everything he touched seemed to turn to gold, whether it was a new fuel type for a speeder or the best application for mass producing medical supplies.  It was remarkable.  The company, Cytar, kept Fentil under lock and key.  No one knew his name, nor anything about him.  All that anyone really knew was that Cytar was untouchable.

5 years passed by and Fentil continued to work tirelessly.  He had a group of technicians that he became very close to.  They worked side by side with him, day in and day out.  They loved the salarian and hated that he was imprisoned, though Fentil did not seem to acknowledge this entrapment, engrossed in his work.  They decided to break him out.  With the vast wealth that Cytar had given these technicians (due to their continued breakthroughs in just about every field), they hired a mercenary group to break them and Fentil out of Cytar Research and Development.  During the 1 hour of sleep that Fentil always took, the operation happened.  Him and his four technicians were extracted, with heavy losses from the mercenary group.  As per instructions, they were dropped off at Omega Station with little money left (having given most to the mercenary group for the extraction and recompense for the lost lives).  They now wander the station, looking for something that will allow Fentil to live his last 2 or 3 years happily, with people around him.

Fentil's Origin

Excerpt from interview with Cytar

My past is irrelevant.  What matters is what I can give to you.  I studied until my thirtieth name day.  I found during my studies that the best way to optimize my work output in multiple areas is to extract as much information as I can, while I can.  In accordance with earth standards, I have somewhere in the neighborhood of 22 doctorates.  Your need for such strict regimented school scheduling is ludicrous and not nearly efficient.  In my dissertation for my educational doctorate, I broke down your whole schooling system and streamlined it.  I am told a handful of colonies are enacting the Stak Protocol.  It will increase efficiency and knowledge absorption by a factor of 15.2.  I digress.  I apologize.  You wanted to know what I can offer you.  Give me a subject, any subject.  Water recycling.  In a structured curriculum on environmental sciences school that was made by the Asari, I hypothesized, and later proved that the normal recycling technology can be extended by over a thousand cycles if one were to add a turian kelp, found in the Aslin Sea, to a coral stone found in the cavern of a krogan aquafer.  If one were to blast both with a Azimuth laser at a frequency of 1125.8, the resulting powder could be added to the electrolysis module on any standard ship.  Only a few micrograms is needed.  I am even working on something that might extend the life of salarians.  I have had some setbacks, but it is a work in progress.  I should have a working model by the end of the week.  Given your pupillary response and the grin on your face, I will assume that you want to give me the position.  I only ask one thing.  I need my own team who I can trust implicitly.

Audio recording, Cytar Lab x01-5-2b

Alpha team on site.  We have found the asset.  He is asleep.  Vintal, dose him with some sleep juice.  We do not need him waking up in the middle of the extraction.  Ilrith, I need a charge there, there, and there.  On my mark.

Grunting is heard

Have the asset.  Ilrith.  GO.

Explosion is heard, followed by multiple klaxons.  Glasswear and other things are crashing all about the audio recording.  Air rushing can be heard over the microphone as the atmosphere violently expels out into space.  Next, all white noise ceases after a barrier goes up over the damaged wall.  Minutes pass.  Klaxons turn off.  A door opens. Multiple footsteps are heard for a few seconds.

Clear.  Go to Stak's room. 

More footsteps.

Sir, Stak is gone. 

Shit!  I need audio and video feeds if you can get it.  Someone, wake up Grundel, we have to find the salarian. 

Fentil's Staff

Karsil'jutak vas Cytar - Quarian female, specializing in Geology and Botany

Simon Wells - Human male, a previous field medic for the alliance that now specializes in Genetics and Xenobiology.  Was the one that originally made the plan to break out Fentil.  Married to Abalonia

Abalonia Wells - Human female, specializes in Pathology, Histology, and Music Theory (of all things)

Veratana Gavrius - Turian female, specializes in Chemistry, Civil Engineering, and Xenotechnology

Languages Known
Volian (Volus)
Elcorian (Elcor)