Sophie Walsman
Cosm: Core Earth (Magic: 9, Social: 23, Spirit: 10, Tech: 23)
Clearance: Alpha (20 XP)
Attributes: Charisma 6, Dexterity 8, Mind 11, Spirit 9, Strength 6
Skills: Air vehicles 9, computers 12, dodge 9, faith 13, fire combat 10, first aid (F) 14, medicine 14, reality 12, scholar 12, science 12, stealth 9
Interactions: Intimidation 9, maneuver 8, taunt 6, trick 11
Dodge Defense: 9; Melee: 8; Unarmed: 8
Move: 8 (24); Tough: 6; Shock: 9; Wounds: 3
Weapons: .38 Revolver (Damage 12, Ammo 6, Range 10/25/40, Small), Dagger (Strength +1/7, Small), M-4 carbine (Damage 13, Ammo 30, Range 50/100/200, Short Burst, Two Handed), Machete (Strength +2/8, Survival is Favored)
Armor & Shields: Stab Vest (Tough +3, Torso)
Gear: Ammo Belt/Web Belt (Includes 5 reloads or 50 bullets), Candles, First Aid Kit (First Aid is Favored), Flashlight, Laser Sight, Lighter, Multi-Tool
Perks: Conviction (-1 Shock taken when fail to invoke miracle), Lay on Hands (Faith test to remove other's Shock), Miracles (bless, healing, ward enemy), Realm Runner (Ignore 4 points of reality penalties when reconnecting. Ignore 1st disconnection each act)
Possibilities: 3
Wealth: $128

Background a medical student in Australia when the Possibility Wars started.  She volunteered in the frenzy afterward to join a team as medical support and they rushed her through an abbreviated military training program.