Isabella Moore
Cosm: Orrorsh (Magic: 16, Social: 18, Spirit: 16, Tech: 18)
Clearance: Alpha (20 XP)
Attributes: Charisma 6, Dexterity 6, Mind 11, Spirit 11, Strength 6
Skills: Alteration 14, divination 14, dodge 8, evidence analysis 12, faith 14, intimidation 12, reality 13, scholar 13, trick 12, unarmed combat 8, willpower 13
Interactions: Intimidation 12, maneuver 6, taunt 6, trick 12
Dodge Defense: 8; Melee: 6; Unarmed: 8
Move: 6 (18); Tough: 8 (2); Shock: 11; Wounds: 3
Armor & Shields: Monster Hide Duster (Tough +2, Fatigues)
Gear: Backpack, Disguise Kit, Gas Lantern, Lighter, Mosquito Netting, Notebook, Small Spyglass ("Targeting Scope" (not on weapon))
Perks: Diabolist* (1/act, +5 to next 3 magical skill tests. Corruption test at -2 after last test), Miracles (touch of time, ward enemy, wither), Occultist (Draw extra cards with Scholar test, start with 1 card in pool vs. supernatural evil), Spellcaster (diminish, possibility rend, speak with dead)
Possibilities: 3
Wealth: $227

Isabella is a smart, strong-willed woman, which was somewhat awkward on Gaea.  There, she had been a woman of means, but they were never really her means - first her family, then her husband, always had control.  Witchcraft was her outlet, but while she was a natural target for the Gaunt Man's temptations, she walks the line carefully - she does it because she wants control, and she understands that if she doesn't tread cautiously, her very soul will be held by something she may never be able to free herself from.

She was already well down this path when General Wellington's call came, and she convinced her husband to take up arms in this great cause, and to take her with him.  She was genuinely sad when he fell in battle, but then, this new world... it has so many possibilities!  Core Earth's acceptance of a forward-thinking woman is still rather bewildering to Isabella - honestly, sometimes scandalous - but she's not going to turn it down.  She put herself in service to the Delphi Council promptly, and uses her magic and her faith for a cause that she truly hopes justifies her means.  Perhaps there is hope for her soul yet.

But then again, she's currently experimenting with wearing pants, so perhaps not.