Atara: NG Goddess of elves, fertility, motherhood.
Bahamut: LG God of good dragons, justice, honor, protection.
Boccob: N God of magic, arcane knowledge, foresight.
Erathis: LN Goddess of cities, civilization, invention.
Ganesha: CG God of luck, wisdom, obstacles.
Heironeous: LG God of valor, chivalry, righteous warfare.
Hermaeus Mora: LN God of knowledge, memory, fate, stars.
Hextor: LE God of tyranny, brutal warfare, fitness.
Hina: NG Goddess of love, lust, beauty, the moon.
Jyggalag: LN God of order, logic, determinism.
Jyrr: CN Goddess of soldiers, battle.
Kyne: N Goddess of nature, the elements.
Sheogorath: CN God of madness, trickery, storms.
Suraja: NG God of the sun, light.
Thanatos: NE God of darkness, murder, undeath.
The Raven Queen: LN Goddess of death, winter, judgement.
The Traveler: CN God of exploration, travel, freedom.
Tiamat: LE Goddess of evil dragons, greed, conquest.
Zenithar: LG God of wealth, commerce, craftsmen, labor.