Debt (1 to 7 pt. Flaw)
The character owes someone something: money, worldly goods, favors, fame; and if she doesn't honor that debt, there'll be hell to pay.
Note that Debt is proportional to the amount of Resources the character has. Taking a 5-pt Debt and then paying it off immediately with five dots of the Resources background won't work. Paying off a Debt requires either a significant change in lifestyle or one or more commensurately hard-fought plot points, depending on the level of debt. Or a kidney or two--lots of debtors will accept a kidney or two. It's worth a shot, anyway.
You can take this flaw multiple times; each time, select a new benefactor for the character's hard-earned sweat.

(1 point) Minimal debt At this level, the debt is more of a quirk than a flaw. The character must make inconsequential monthly payments or suffer small, occasional inconveniences to honor the debt, like a monthly checkup. She can probably ignore a few installments before her debtor even notices, and even then he might not say anything for another payment or two. The real cost at this level is the connections it makes between the character and whoever did her the favor in the first place.
(2 points) Moderate debt The character's monthly payments require a small but noticeable portion of the character's income, or else she must make small but frequent considerations to live up to her part of the debt, like a weekly meeting. If she decides to ignore it, the debtor probably won't notice the first time or two and probably he'll be polite about it, even after that. More or less.
(3 points) Significant debt If the character pays money to honor this debt, she pays a large chunk of her income to do so. If the payment takes other forms, she has a frequent commitment, at least several times each week, that may not take long but requires her full attention. If she ignores this commitment for more than two or three payments straight, the debtor will almost certainly come by to turn the screws on her, and not in a nice way.
(5 points) Crushing debt If the character pays money to honor this debt, she's paying roughly half her income to do so. Otherwise, she must perform duties almost every day that require a significant investment of time and effort. The character can't afford to neglect this debt for more than a single payment without repercussions. Painful repercussions.
(7 points) Overwhelming debt This debt is eating the character alive. If it's expressed in terms of money, about three-quarters of everything the character makes is accounted for before she pays anything else. If it's expressed in time, it requires hours of serious work every single day. And if the character misses even a single payment, she could lose everything. She's living life on the razor's edge, and she has the cuts to show for it.