Protected from the dangerous rays from the local star, the dark side of Proxima has been the center of the colony's life since the first settler landed on the surface.

With average temperatures of -40 / -30 degrees Celsius and large desposits of ice and hydrogen, he dark side has always been ideal for mining.

The first settlements were built with survival in mind rather than comfort, this trait remained at the core of Proxima's cultural identity, even with protective domes progressively becoming available to all thanks to the assistance of the Megaroad-2 in 2015.

The old cities of Proxima are unique, a baroque assemblage of soviet-like architecture and the many influences of the colonists earthly cultures.

The Dark Side is home to the entirety of the planetary industry, it is also the heart of commerce with its large spaceport and direct lane to Gateway station, in orbit above as to benefit from the planet's shadow.