Created in the Maelstrom in the 1st age, the Titans were the second successful species who shared the genies’ desire for permanence and safety. Through sheer force of will, they built their own domain within the Maelstrom, protecting it with their blood. They developed their own forms of magic, improving both their minds and body to better control the chaos of the Maelstrom.

Initial contact between the genie and titan empires were fraught with conflict, with the genie trying to claim territory the Titans considered their own. While it required very little effort for the titan to expel the invaders, the Titans grew annoyed at having to expend the effort and constantly having their power challenged by the genie. The Titans began retaliating by expanding into genie territory, sweeping away their settlements and leaving chaos in their wake.

This changed with the coming of Asmodeus. Soon after his “birth,” Asmodeus travelled to the edge of genie territory and stepped into the territory of Tuatha, the Star Titan. The Titan, sensing the intrusion, went to investigate, expecting another party of genie to be harvesting his flames. When the Titan arrived, Asmodeus immediately set upon him, driving him back under a multitude of vicious blows the Titan never dreamed possible from such a small opponent. Badly injured for the first time in his existence, he tried to run, only for Asmodeus to drag him down and rip his heart out of his chest. Asmodeus named the organ the Worldheart. Upon his return to genie territory, he granted the power to fulfill wishes to the noble genie.

Normally solitary creatures, it took a long time for the other Titans to suspect anything from Tuatha’s disappearance, or link it to the genies’ newfound power. When they discovered the body and determined what had happened, they swore to retrieve the heart and return it to its rightful place and restore Tuatha. They took Tuatha’s body and hid it in the centre of their domains, then joined forces to wage war upon the gods.

The Prime War raged for an age. The combined might of the Titans was irresistible, surpassing even the abilities of the gods to contain. But the Titans could not be everywhere at once. The gods and their servants adapted, first by denying the Titans their targets, then by quickly repairing whatever damage the Titans had done. The creation of the devils ended the war decisively, forcing the Titans into the prison plane Abaddon. The Great Citadels were constructed to watch for any intrusion of the Titans in the territories of the All Father, ending the 3rd age.

Wyregnon alone managed to flee from the devils, hiding deep within the Maelstrom. He decided the Titans needed to create their own servants. He recruited the mephit, promising them security in exchange for service. He used his power over the elements to compel elementals to serve him. Finally, he created the giants, powerful creatures with some of the Titans’ mastery over the elements. Then, he waited for his opportunity.

This came in the form of Enshazra, a goddess sent to the walls of the Citadels. Her beauty entranced Wyregnon, and he courted her in secret. The two fell in love, and married in the Titan way. She became pregnant, and the two celebrated. It was then that the devils found them. Wyregnon refused to flee again, buying time for his wife to run at the cost of being sent to Abaddon with the rest of the Titans.

Eventually, Enshazra managed to break the seals on Abaddon, freeing them all. When she called her husband’s name, the Titans answered. Free once more, the Titans empowered Enshazra and gave her command of all their allies and forces. Thus the Gods’ War began.

The Titans came to regret their support as events unfolded. The birth of Orcus came as a heavy blow, dashing any hope of Tuatha ever returning. Combined with the creation of Narsix, the Titans were forced on the defensive for the second time in their existence. Only the sacrifice of Asmodeus ended the immediate threat, but they all know Orcus is still out there plotting their deaths.

Currently, the Titans remain mostly in seclusion, only emerging if one of the giant kings or queens acts to overtly jeopardize the current stalemate with the gods.

Known Titans: