The Functionary

To  shut  out  the  pain  its  heart  inflicts  upon  it, the  Functionary  obsesses  totally  over  a  single  task, established by the sorcerer at the moment of binding. The sorcerer ensnares it by promising it focus and an
escape from the maddening environment of Hell. It gains  Limit  when  duties  or  circumstances  interfere
with its obsession (but no more than once per scene). The sorcerer can reduce its Limit by giving it time to
mix relaxation and the pursuit of its obsession—more or less a week suffices.

At low Limit, the Functionary’s existence is defined only by its purpose. Even as it performs other duties, the
focus of its obsession prevent its mind from wandering away from the sorcerer’s commands. As its Limit increases,
its inability to fulfill its function distracts it from the world, and it may suffer +1 difficulty to rolls unassociated with its obsession or survival. At high Limit, difficulties increase to +2, and it may plead incoherently with the sorcerer to be allowed to focus on its function.