The Courtesan

The Courtesan seeks to achieve its goals and control its situation but places no value on its integrity. It willingly degrades its body, mind and soul to pursue its aims—to perform its master’s will and to ensure she needs its service. It gains Limit when presented with new evidence that it’s helpless or unneeded. The sorcerer can reduce the Courtesan’s Limit by involving it in decision-making processes, presenting it with gifts, offering it apparently sincere flattery or otherwise proving it valuable.

At  low  Limit,  the  Courtesan  lives  to  please  its master and retains confidence that she would be help-
less without it. As its Limit increases, it begins to look for ways by which it may make itself irreplaceable. At
high Limit, the Courtesan becomes convinced its master believes she needs it not, and it may undertake dramatic
action to prove itself valuable, often in ways the sorcerer hadn’t planned for and that may conflict with whatever
agendas the sorcerer hasn’t shared with it.