Races of the Dome

The humanoid inhabitants of the dome, with very rare and very magical exceptions, are all human. Some, however, are only technically human. For some unknown reason, drastic mutation is rampant in the dome, which has led to several "sub-races".

Functionally, all standard Pathfinder races are available in Under the Dome, though the prevalence of those races is altered significantly. The Pathfinder core races are detailed below, as examples.

Dwarves are remarkably common in the dome. Several all-dwarf enclaves exist across the dome, with a majority of dwarves living in Outsider territory, where they are easily picked out among the 7-foot-plus Outsider ruling class. By their accents, it seems that many dwarves of the dome are of Russian and Scottish descent.

Elves are rare but not unheard of in the dome. The more educated inhabitants of the dome suspect that elves are the result of intentional manipulation by pre-Collapse geneticists, as beauty, grace, and eternal youthfulness were high priorities of the pre-Collapse ultra-rich.

Gnomes are rare in the dome, but their natural magical abilities makes them stand out, leading many to assume that there are more of them living in the dome than there actually are.

Exhibiting some of the traits of elves, but at less-significant levels, half-elves are believed to be the result of the same genetic manipulation as the elves, but are cases where the modifications didn't quite take.

Brutish mutants are quite common in the dome, and beings similar to half-orcs are often counted among them. Their strength and intimidating demeanor often leads half-orcs to low-level positions of power in the dome's factions, or among the raiders of the No Man's Land.

Like gnomes, halflings are rare in the dome. Without access to gnomish magic, halflings are often mistaken for children or Early Bloomers (see below), and therefore few people are aware of this particular strain of mutant.

New Mutant Races
The following are common mutant varieties in the dome that are not represented above.

Early Bloomers
Roughly one in every ten children born in the dome are Early Bloomers. At some point between the ages of 5 and 12, the child undergoes rapid mental development, and over the course of a few months goes from being a normal child to what is essentially a tiny adult. Early Bloomers are mechanically humans, with the following changes:

Abilities: +2 Dex, -2 Strength. Early Bloomers still gain the human's +2 to any one ability score.
Size: Small
Speed: 20 ft.

Mutated humans come in two basic varieties as player-characters: Mostly-Human and Totally Muto'd. Both start statistically identical to a human, before their mutations are applied.

Mostly-Human: A Mostly-Human mutant has one or two mutations in each of the following categories: cosmetic, positive, and negative. The player determines the number, but the mutations are rolled randomly.

Totally Muto'd: A Totally Muto'd mutant is nothing like a human. The GM will determine the mutant's body type and 10 random mutations, with 3 positive and 3 negative mutations guaranteed. Only one Totally Muto'd mutant will be allowed at any given time.

Functional robots are relatively common in the dome, though few still perform their original functions. A player may choose to play a robot, which will be constructed for them by the GM with regards to the player's concept. While construct immunities and a robot's natural abilities may seem to be a significant advantage over "standard" player races, there are also significant disadvantages to playing one. Not being considered a person and effectively being a walking pile of treasure come to mind.