The dome's territory is broken up among several major factions, each fighting with its neighbors over limited territory.

The Redstone Lords
The ruling class of the Redstone Lords possess one of the few pieces of working pre-Collapse technology still known to exist: a gene-sequencing facility. The facility is used to optimize the abilities of the elite, as well as the occasional "New Lord" whose parents managed to scrape together the immense amount of credits necessary to get them into the facility.

The Lords form an oligarchy, and fiercely compete with one another for honors. This competition has led to a kind of stalemate where known problems are allowed to continue, as no Lord wants any of the others to receive the prestige of fixing them.

Dukes of the Dome
The Dukes of the Dome consider themselves the "purest" humans alive. They revile mutants, drug addicts, and the deformed. Any such "less-than-men" seen by the tribe's warriors are killed on sight as a matter of honor.

There is a sharp divide between the ruling warrior caste and the common folk. The warriors are obsessed with honor, speak very formally, and almost always wear old robot parts as armor. The commoners are simply concerned with gathering enough food to feed themselves after their warrior lords have taken their cut.

Rulers Beneath the Black
Nearly everyone in the dome was raised "Beneath the Black", but the Rulers Beneath the Black are fanatics. Their territory is a theocracy, ruled from the Cathedral in the Southern Pillar. They are slavishly adherent to the Seven Tablets, and to the will of their Terapontiff; the Exalted Maybell Inquisitorius CEO. The Rulers are known to carry a unique incense which drives them into a violent frenzy. Why it works only for them is unknown, but it is rumored to be the result of vile mutilative rituals.

The Comet Callers
40 years ago a coalition of magicians from all across the dome gathered together to rise against what they judged to be the weakest of the great tribes: The Lords of Light. The coup was swift, and within mere hours the new order was established. While magic users once lived in all the great tribes, now only a few do not vow their allegiance to The Comet Callers. Strictly speaking there are only two social classes in Comet Caller territory: Magicians, and slaves (although the former is highly gradated, and each magician’s standing relies heavily on their magical ability). Visitors are not commonly welcomed within their territory, but are not unheard of. It is claimed that the magicians at the center of the conspiracy - whose identities are still a tightly guarded secret - are responsible for the rogue planet that destroyed Earth centuries ago.

The Outsiders
The Outsiders are defined by their territory’s access to a working airlock leading outside the dome. While they are not the only ones with such access, they are the only ones who regularly use it. Each day, newborn babies are taken out onto the surface of mars, and left among the ruddy dust of the planet’s surface until the next day. Those children who die are considered “weak,” and should not be mourned for. While those who live are given a name, and raised to adulthood.

Outsiders are tall, and have twice the strength of normal humans. They are immune to cold, and can survive without breathing for weeks at a time. They value stoicism, and most carry great swords on their backs too heavy to be wielded by lesser humans. Despite their somewhat frightening culture, those wishing to build a new life for themselves often find Outsider territory welcoming. So long as you’re willing to do the common work that Outsiders find distasteful to do themselves, they will happily take you under their protection. Any individual Outsider likely has a dozen or more such supplicants.

The capitol of a religion with a minority following within the dome: The Techno Faith. Reverence is paid to “The Past Gods,” the engineers and scientists of generations passed who possessed sacred knowledge that has been lost to mankind through our sin.

The Lords of Light
While they were once numbered one of the great tribes within the dome, the Lords of Light have fallen into obscurity since their defeat at the hands of the rising Comet Callers. They’ve been allowed to retain this small corner of their territory. A downtrodden imperial court holds audiences here, maintaining the delusion that they’re still relevant within the structure of the dome, and will someday rise to reclaim post glory. The people of this small territory are kept in veritable slavery. They have little to eat and almost no education, but believe that they are part of the happiest and most productive society under the dome.

All Player Characters are Wingdings. The tribe holds a unique position within the dome as an agreed-upon neutral party. By ancient accord, none of the great tribes will ever annex Wingding territory, and each Wingding is taken to be a free agent. The tribe cannot be held accountable for the actions of an individual. The Wingdings are a mercenary tribe whose members work throughout the dome, often against Wingdings working for an opposed employer. Within their own territory, a loose sort of government is centered in an old high school.