Living Expenses
In addition to keeping up with armor, weapons, and other equipment, characters must also pay for their living expenses to cover things like housing, food, clothing, and entertainment. Rather than account for each penny spent, the game abstracts expenses by letting you purchase a lifestyle. Starting characters determine their lifestyles randomly. You remain at that lifestyle during your first adventure. When you finish the adventure, you must buy another lifestyle.  The benefits or drawbacks of the new lifestyle last until the end of the next adventure, at which point you must pay for your living expenses to remain at your current lifestyle or pay the expenses for a different lifestyle.
Give or take whatever ongoing activity, general lifestyle expenses last for about one month.

Living Expenses
Poor1 sp
Getting By5 sp
Comfortable1 gp
Wealthy10 gp
Rich50 gp or more

The following entries describe the most typical examples of the basic lifestyles. They might include other drawbacks and benefits at the GM’s discretion.

You live on the streets or in the wilderness. You struggle to get by, go without shelter and food for days, and have a miserable existence. At the start of the adventure, make a Strength challenge roll with a -2 penalty plus -2 penalty for each consecutive adventure you started with this lifestyle. On a failure, you lose one object worth 1 sp or more of your choice. If you have no objects to lose, you become diseased. At the end of each day, make a Strength challenge roll with -2 penalty. On a success, you remove the affliction.

You live in squalid conditions, possibly in a tiny rented room shared with others, and survive on meager stores. At the start of the adventure, make a Strength challenge roll. On a failure, you lose one object worth 1 sp or more. If you have no objects to lose, you instead become diseased as described under destitute.

Getting By
You earn enough to make ends meet. You likely have a rented room or a small hovel in a poorer part of the community. Comfortable You live well enough and you have enough to cover all of your living expenses. At the start of the adventure, make an Intellect challenge roll with -2 penalty. On a success, you save up 1d6 cp.

You enjoy many of the finer things in life, having enough wealth to live in a fine house, have nice clothes, and enjoy a status that opens doors to the rich and powerful. At the start of the adventure, make an Intellect challenge roll. On a success, you save up 1d6 sp.

You live in luxury. You probably have a townhouse or an estate in the country with servants in attendance and every comfort provided. At the start of the adventure, make an Intellect challenge roll. On a success, you save up 2d6 sp.