Some past crime, oath-breaking, or disagreement sent your family into exile, and you can never return or hold a place in the society that is your own. You must spend 2 additional Gold when Carousing within your homeland, but for all other purposes, your Social Standing is treated as if it were 2 higher in the Carousing phase.

Though you are not particularly wealthy and have no inherited title, your caste is nonetheless held in high regard.  Within your community, you may reduce the difficulties of any Command, Counsel, Persuade, and Society tests by one step, and you may reduce the cost of Upkeep by 1 Gold in addition to any modifications from Renown or Social Standing.

Savage Dignity
Despite your barbaric upbringing, you have a fierce sense of pride in yourself and your lineage. You cannot be dominated or cowed easily. You may roll an additional d20 for any test to resist being intimidated, persuaded, or impressed by a “civilized” person. This is usually a Discipline test but can extend to Personality-based tests such as Command or Society.

You’re able to perform particularly well, telling stories and sagas in a way that enlivens them and engrosses your audience, whether a single companion or a room full of drunken warriors. Whenever you’re using this talent, you can substitute your Lore skill for Society tests, and you may reduce your Upkeep by 1 Gold if you choose to entertain your host, if applicable.

You’re uncouth and lack civilized manners, and those of more civilized societies will think poorly of you upon first impression. As a result, you suffer one step of Difficulty in Social tests when dealing with people from more civilized countries. On the other hand, your Upkeep cost is reduced by 2 Gold, as you are accustomed to roughing it and making do with what you have.