This, the most venerable of the traditions, is that of knowledge and lore, using such teachings to guide and sway those the bard counsels. A bard on the Path of the Wise is shrewd, will sacrifice much in the pursuit of knowledge, and often is patient, acting inscrutably and even in secrecy.

Make a Feast of Dry Bread
Prerequisite: Skald
Experience Point Cost: 200
You can make even the paltriest of meals feel like a banquet. By emphasizing victories to come, the beauty of attendees, or the valor of warriors present, you lift spirits where bitterness might lead to despair. When characters dine with you, they gain +1d20 to any Healing or Counsel tests taken to remove any Fatigue or Despair.

Prerequisite: Make a Feast of Dry Bread
Experience Point Cost: 400
You can deliver oratory dripping with the histories of your people, or that of a folk you are familiar with. In combining performance with lore, you can inspire or pass judgement in such a way that few can deny your counsel. You can substitute Persuade for Command, Counsel, Insight, or Lore.

Eye of the Grim Father
Prerequisite: Sagas
Experience Point Cost: 600
The sagas are filled with tales of the uncanny and stories of monstrous beasts. When first witnessing any notable creature or person of importance, you can spend 1 Doom to ask whether the being has any sorcerous or unusual powers. If the answer to this is “yes” the gamemaster must answer with an answer to the effect of: “none”, “some”, or “vastly so”.
■ Creatures with three or fewer supernatural abilities (Doom spends or special abilities) are described as having “some” and this insight inflicts you with 3§ mental damage.
■ Beings with over four such abilities count as “vastly so” and this insight inflicts you with 6§ in mental damage. You may then choose to spend 1 Doom for further understanding by attempting a Simple (D0) Discipline test. Each point of Momentum reduces this damage by 1§. Once you have taken this damage, the gamemaster should provide you with a brief and honest appraisal of the being’s capabilities.