Once there were three estates: the bellatores (rulers), oratores (clergy) and laboratores (workers). These three estates were separate, with an Emperor ruling over a council of elected representatives from the bellatores. The clergy were separate and distinct. During this time, the Elohim were isolated in Shamaim and didn't communicate with the people. Most thought them just legends. Then, the High Priest of Rosht, claiming to be their spokesperson in the Warrens, said the Elohim had reawoken. Why the Elohim reawoke, and why they chose then to act, is debateable. But some think they had waited until the Emperor grew weak and his armies feeble. Enthroned in a stasis sarcophagus for decades, the land had become weak. But the Patriarch was strong.

The Patriarch called on families to induct their firstborn into the clergy to ensure salvation for their relatives. Swelling the ranks of the church, he formed the Templars as a poorly kept secret. When the Sche'entz attacked to reclaim stolen land in the east, the Templars acted swiftly to suppress the violence. Buoyed by popular support, the Templars moved to replace key Centurions among the Legio, and soon ran the Legions. With his newfound power, the Patriarch declared the Elohim had spoken and that the church and state should unify against the threat of encroaching chaos. He took over, promptly wiping out the enfeebled senate, and declared himself the new Hegemon in place of the half-dead Emperor.

Over the years, the rulers and clergy blurred following the High Priest's ascension to Patriarch under the guidance of the Elohim.

Though the augmen do not appear in this list (they are not generally understood or recognised outside of the Hierophancy), they should be considered a sub-strata of humanity which appears throughout the various castes. In other words, anyone can and does become an augmen, although the Hierophants try to maintain absolute control over those who awaken in the Lower City.

The proteans are made or constructed beings, sometimes hybridised with other species.

The prodigals are mutants and other creatures supposedly evolved from higher man.