
Humans have played a large part in the formation of the societies we see today. Regarded as a textbook for do's and dont's, Humans discovered the Ley Lines in 2114 Post Jesus and tapped into them 2126 Post Jesus. From that moment they spread amongst the stars colonizing many planets and systems. Unfortunately for the Humans, they made many an enemy in their travels, between the forced colonization and acquiring of 'cultural artifacts'. When the Chaos War broke out Humans led the forefront of the combat with their allies the Xu'urak against the Morlal, Macgroar, Cathon, Yiles, and arguably the Xion, Queyar, and Moolar. The climax of the Chaos War was the Morlal riding a Thomar Capital Ship primed with Macgroar sliptime XT-32 Annihilation bombs rammed into a deep mineral open pit mine which split the crust open 380km deep. This was considered a recoverable situation until the other two hijacked ships crashed into the breached mantle. The Earth was ripped apart and scattered across the galaxy, and with this the end of the Chaos War. All remaining Humans were absolved of crime by the Xu'urak Republic. Some to took to living their lives out on the remaining Human colonies while many remain in large Human colony ships traveling from system to system trading.

Earth's destruction brought upon an era of relative peace with no large open conflict having happened between the heightened races in over 2000 Galactic years. Xu'urak Republic has written the destruction of Earth in all historical nodes as well the destruction has brought upon the creation of the Intergalactic Law.