The Federation Of Magic:

The FOM has developed more in contrast to other forces than in support of its own beliefs and mantras. There is freedom to live and learn, and work alongside any race in the universe. That is, of course, so long as you do NOT support the Coalition! Those foul, horrid and disgusting people have no place in this world!

...Ahem... Now, where was I? Ah yes, feel free to come and go as you please... but DON'T bring anyone BACK with you! The FOM is still quite secretive, and perhaps a bit too paranoid, considering the known world is now well-aware of the locations of the FOM across the land.

Working with the Federation Of Magic grants access to others who are knowledgable in the magical arts. While this does not guarantee new spells, it is the best hope one can expect, and often there will be options for deals to be struck to learn new spells in exchange for services and quests.

Federation Of Magic:Line Walker
Federation Of Magic:Mystic