yep.  House rules. Lots of em.  So many ways of doing something else that I can't really identify why RAW is written as it is.
The truth is Pathfinder is the true heir of the DnD system.  My vote is still out on DnD Next (5e).

But as close as Pathfinder is to 3.5 ... my system had deviated from what was presented there too.

I like Heroic Fantasy Games. I do. But I can no longer tolerate the mechanical imbalances facing roleplay in the genre's oldest RPG. DnD's latest incarnation 3.75  ... has proven it has no interest in providing or maintaining, a level foundation.  Pathfinder suffers constant power creep and has since their inception. I must presume that all publishers have determined its the GM's RESPONSIBILITY alone to rectify any problems they notice.

This campaign is an attempt to level the playing field inside my own sandbox.
There's really no point in calling them House Rules... if I'm revising the whole system is there?

An Example of my various rule revisions includes the
Leadership_Feat  The only means for a PC to gain a Cohort is by application the Signature Ally Feat as developed during play.
It IS possible to recruit followers (using various real-life recruitment techniques, like with MONEY?) and the LEAD them by successfully using the new
Charisma skill,
   Tactical Command.
This new skill may be additionally buffered by the:
Intelligence skill,
   Expert Knowledge: Warfare.
Or, the
Wisdom skill,
   Profession Soldier.

 ... a listing for changes like the one above can be found in Game Systems section.