What happened in Prior Ages...--What this means for the Present ...
  • 17.1 The End of Eternity
  • 17.2 The Five Elder Races
  • 17.3 The Blood Covenant
  • 17.4 The Machineel
  • 17.5 The Loss of Athalon
  • 17.6 The Red Queen
  • 17.7 Heaven and Mortal Dreaming
  • 17.8 The Breaking
  • 17.9 Treachery and Loss
  • PR.01 Human and Non-human relations.
  • PR.02 Roles, Professions, and Social Norms
  • PR.03 ...
  • PR.04 ...
  • PR.05 ...
  • PR.06 ...
  • PR.07 ...
  • PR.08 ...
  • PR.09 ...
  • PR.10 ... 

PR.01 Human and Non-human relations.
It may be ignorance of the greater truth out there in the wider world but by any immediate recognition, the World of Arkos is dominated by one race, Human. Races which are not specifically seen as extremely different ..are presumed to be a racial branch deviation. Specifically a half breed, Half-Elves or Half-Orcs. Though those 'races' would each prefer to be called by their respective nomenclature; iKKosi or Ogrun. And most humans DO grant them this politeness and regard them as separate races. As most would prefer to NOT face any other, possibly truer reality.

Those 'races' seen as extremely different include Yuutani (Halfling), Charduni (Dwarven), and Eledrin (Elf). These cultures can be tied to locations which have been found elsewhere and may be linked to artifacts and to ruins which exist beyond the scope of human civilization.  These, non-human races, bare little strain of cultural inequity leading to human cultural interaction as humans can be quite xenophobic.

PR.02 Roles, Professions, and Social Norms