Lots of people talk about RAW in terms of individual character rules. But from a GM's perspective, the Rules as Written is a pervasive fictional set of presumptions. If you want to understand the comparison...the following Post will detail the sorts of things you'll find in mine  vs the Standard Fiction.

Continent: of ARKOS

Every Arkosian child knows that before the 'Covenant of Kings', no nation had endured more than a century without revolution or collapse. This Great Accord was an inspired document that has seen imitation at multiple lesser treaties since its origin in the Central Empire 400 years ago. The Treaty was a brainchild of the priests of the Church Triumphant during the Charduni War, a document of such high ideals as to bind the eight dominate nations on the ivory sword coast against a common foe.
So lauded were the precepts in this document that the church was included as a 'Primary Signer', the only 'non-nation' inside of the document that founded the Empire.  It remains the only religious entity recognized as 'Imperial', due to this distinction.

Beyond the imperial borders lays the frontier. Nations where no formalized cannon of law exist. But where pagan common law holds sway. The Fabled - Blood Covenant - known by story and legend as the Protogenoi.  There are men who contest daily with the Wyld in its own domain, but these faithful contend with terrors of beasts and storms and blight. And it is through their persistence and effort that the spirits of field and forest, of marsh and mountain, may one day be utterly subdued. There are others, though, who follow a less sanctioned route. Offering these spirits tithing and tribute, who have lulled these great beasts to sleep. [Pagans]  By THIER heresy, what once was uncharted wilds of fierce beasts and tiny enclaves of elves, has become an opportunity for men to establish prosperous points of civilization. Their methods are fraught by an uncertain need for "balance" against the whimsy of an unknowable Fate.

THIS is the century, that those mighty or quick-witted enough, may attempt to cow and claim the land.  The frontier where primal spirits once played in force; and still may, though only to a greatly lessened incident.

Arkos is recognized as a dual-continent. The 'central' empire, isn't center to anything but instead runs along its the western coast of the western continent, and passes from Arctic to Tropic extremes.  The Great Desert of Kalishi separated from the western ocean by a sudden insurmountable rock curtain, a mountain shorn in two.  Though life exists in this sandy basin [Ethangar], it is sparse when compared to black forests to the north [Volovik], the subtropical jungles to the south [Catalan, Athos, Theturos] and the endless plains of grass of the East. [Cathay]

Predominantly, those regions where the majority of the population exist is in the paired band of subtropics.  These countries, possessed of vast forests and fertile fields fed by hundreds of rivers and streams which flow from the Dragonspine mountains to the Southern shore of the Avery Coast. Temperatures there are comfortable year-round and any winter weather always requires climbing to a higher elevation.  The rainy season, which strikes near the end of what most nations consider summer, can be extreme (monsoons, hurricanes).  But even the poorest child can enjoy fresh fruit year-round. Wealthy foreigners cherish pineapples, limes, bananas, and massive jackfruit, but most prized are its cocoa and sugarcane, and alcohols made of each. A typical meal consists mostly of fruit, beans, bread, and fish, with the occasional beef or pork. Harbor workers in Zinkara seldom can afford red meats, and instead, make savory stews of fish and chicken. Only the cultures of the East enjoy red meat in any quantity (without significant cost). Though many may make due by soaking bones and sausages in dark beans with a host of vegetables.

'Church' holidays always include some form of privation while Pagan celebrations some form of vice.  The generous giving of steamed milk flavored with either chocolate or honey, for example. Two things many families simply cannot afford on a daily basis. Thus, even among those who are not, Pagan celebrations are quite popular as much as in cities as outside of them. Not least, as its a measure of faith to be generous with the bounty one has garnered throughout the year - but it is also because participants are required to celebrate while masked. Personal REGULAR anonymity is a requirement but this need not mean a generic persona is enforced.  In fact, it does allow for the portrayal of nearly unique identity established in this 'mask'.

Strict Catalan society encourages behavior with a mask which is wholly disapproved of without such hiding. The wisdom is that ONLY through anonymous representation can individuals KNOW TRUTH. So much does this idea hold strength in the common mind. That in CATALONIA, a man cannot be said to TRULY know his wife, unless he has dared to meet her while she walks under a mask. There are many otherwise pagan holidays which Catalani society hinges on to support relations between sexes and society - even among the VERY faithful of civilized churchgoers.

There are civil servants ALSO under a mask (a more official variety) which are required to go about during these times and enforce those laws required by social order, without regard to whom has been 'captured' by it.  In those case, even the very wealthy or influential can be found and tried without mercy. So such holidays are less anarchic than might be otherwise thought.

Novus Ordo Society walks under many similar conditions regarding mask-wearing.  Though they consider mask making a private and personal function of women who come of age. A generic mask may be purchased by or for a man and worn in any fashion they deem fit. But a woman can be measured by the nature of her mask and there is high art to it.  As such, in Novus, a woman can 'court' outside of her caste with the right attitude and a good mask.

While NOT under the allowances of a mask each of THOSE societies would find it intolerable and even socially repugnant for a woman to attempt to seek out a man's favor without a matchmaker.
And this is but ONE odd dichotomy of society and faith during any pagan holiday.

Most know that the Dreaming exists, though they might call it the FaeWyld, the Shadowed Home, or the lands beyond the Threefold door. Most Arkosians treat it like an unpredictable neighbor. While human kings rule in the Meridian and there are clear cities, nations, hierarchies, and borders, the Dreaming follows rules few mortals can do more than struggle to understand.

The ultimate desires or motives of the Lunar Courts are unknown, but so far their requests have never been onerous. When they are not appeased, however, they retaliate by sending agents to seize infants from cribs, drive wild beasts into cities, or call forth impossible weather like flashdroughts and hailstorms of frozen toads. The most famous manifestation of the Dreaming is the Great Hunt. A mass of mounted fae warriors tromp across the entire length of the nation, avoiding cities but staying on the straight track. The dragon lines that cross this world and many others.  The stamping hooves of regal steeds, the melodies of their hunting horns, and the baying of basalt hounds can be heard on every new and gibbous phase, but they are only ever seen when the moon is brightest. And the heavens help you if you stray unto the strait track during the harvest hours.

Many folk charms are said to ward off the unwanted attentions of the fae. A line of blessed rock salt may bar their crossing, but a proper song unsung and instrument abandoned will stop and hold them till its done. The speaking in rhyming will stall their immediate intent, Red liquid (be it blood, paint, or muddy clay) can distract them through better by far to have a complex puzzle of many parts to dash about the road - and leave them to their counting.  A warning, they will grow lastingly irrate if all the parts the puzzle is not found at the scene. A fury that will only grow the eternal years of their life.  They can be unsettled by anything with quickly spinning parts, from windmills to water wheels, to the flying gears of a steam engine - but what holds them to a spot will always be something uniquely beautiful and danger it is to any that has it and denies the Faen from it.  For they will be drawn as a moth to a flame, the destruction of both.

It is commonly believed that the Protogenoi are five creatures of colossal scale and deific power, which could - under the appropriate conditions - reshape the face of the world or alter whether to even its impossible contrary standard. All creatures in their domain, from the lowliest bug to the mighty Eladrin lords, honored them and once solely catered to their will.  And when the Vanished Gods of the Pagan faiths first came to prominence, they challenged the Protogenoi and bested them. But rather than slay them, and thereby take their places as gods of nature. They made a pact that their people would always honor them, but in turn, these Titans would never attack these nations. Today, it is believed the Protogenoi slumber, and only on rare occasion, they do near an awakened state. It is the Lords of Fae that quickly seek to appease them to prevent whatever devastation their discontent could cause. For this service, these ArchFae are able to draw upon some measure of this titanic natural power.

The FIVE PROTOGENOI, according to Imperial Childrens' fables, are:
  • She Who Writhes, a Kraken that slumbers on the ocean floor. There are whole societies aquatic life that sacrifice to her power for control of the waterways.
  • Father of Thunder, a many-horned gazelle-like herd beast that fell asleep and has been coated in a grassy plain. Farmers make offerings to him for good weather.
  • The Voice of Rot, Roused from his slumber most often since there are few mortals who live in his domain and think to leave him offerings.
  • Ash Wolf, a white-furred hunter who rests in a forest cave with his pack. He's said to awaken during great forest fires.
  • Frau Allswell, a corpulent matronly gremlin snoozes somewhere in a deep pass. Her gremlin offspring harass miners because they don't want the noise of digging to wake her.

Any veteran adventurer will tell you NOT to presume that FABLES are close to the truth. But these are the tales you might have grown up hearing.  And even if they don't quite measure up to the fairytale there are presumedly some facts which are true.

The Archfae are fae of substantial power. All of them eternal (if not immortal). Most of them humanoid. Some serve the Protogenoi. Others are warriors who hold a domain of their own somewhere in the Dreaming.

The Lunar Court ...represents Faen in negotiations with itself and the other two primes [Flux or Foundation], should any diplomat from any prime ever attend. The internal politics of the Sovereign's of the three Faen Courts [Tuatha Sidhe (Feywild), the Fior Kaesir (ShadowFel), the Umlang Sith (Meridian)] are usually revealed to have agendas nearly impossible for outsiders to comprehend. Having too much to do with a shared and contentious history that predates mortal language. And each scar and offense as easy for the Faen to remember as mortals remember their last meal.  Sometimes the Archfae serve the Lunar Court but their interests do not always align. The common metaphor Arkosian use to understand the affairs of the Fae is that The Courts represent the blueblooded nobility who have held appointed power by mandate, and the Archfae which are wealthy and powerful by activity and USE of that power.

The Covenant of Kings is the basis for stability even in nations that do not belong to the Central Empire, since many of the border kingdoms have followed the same paths toward peace. And by placating the Pagan Gods further inroads into the continent have become possible for mortals.

And yet there is strife.
The imperial church does not abide by granting tribute to any deity other than its own pantheon. And mortal engagements (holy wars) and conflicts have since become a contentious possibility between the Imperial Clergy and the adherents of any other faith outside of itself.  Beyond this religious conflict, there are regular surging feelings owing to the Glory of Conquest. Ideas that persist in the hearts of the aristocracy, in men who have attained position and status through war. They see the pagan appeasement as the possibility of mortal conquest over lands that have been denied them and their forefathers for millennia.  The leaders of every merchant guilds, regional military, and lesser noble families have been grateful for the stability, but all fear a resumption of hostilities. This time with the empire against the greater world. Though the Covenant of Kings has successfully bound the eight nations into a unified empire for close to half of the last millennia; no Single Central Leader was ever ratified the Nine Keys.  And without leadership, the Central Empire could easily find itself inside of civil war.

A threat that might signal the collapse of every other country based on the Covenant of Kings.

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