Character NameTag# posts
AricPlayer334 Aric stands just a finger above six feet in height, his rather handsome face is complimented by shoulder-length dark brown hair and a goatee often joined by days of unshaven facial hair. His ethnicity is difficult to place based on his appearance alone, and his odd accent further confounds any attempts to identify his homeland. His tightly wound muscles are clearly built for action more than show, and his overall appearance and natural quickness are evocative of a man who was literally bred for combat.
Deidre EbonwingPlayer1756Dressed in the garb of the Ravens Deidre bears a dark feather-like cloak about her shoulders with a low hood, dark spectacles making it hard to read her expression as she looks at you. Long dark gloved slender hands reach up to push back the hood, revealing ebony hair neatly pulled back out of the way. As the spectacles slide up to rest on the top of her head pale blue eyes blink once, twice as they adjust to the light. Smoothing the cloak down a silver symbol of Nesirie glints in the sunlight, a mark of her devotion to the goddess.
Eileen HawthornePlayer1073Eileen Hawthorne, is a young (late teens/early twenties) lady of many talents.  She is a petite 5'4 red head, with hazel green eyes.
Fiora RossiPlayer35Standing just a little over five feet tall before you is a slender woman, her skin sunkissed yet not quite as tanned as some of the local peasant girls. Honey brown hair flows across her shoulders, neatly kept out of her face with a dark piece of fabric. Topaz is the closest color you can think of to describe her brown eyes, glimmering with a sense of intelligence and wit.
HidariPlayer1Hidari is a half-elf male and 5’9”/160lbs. He has long salt and pepper hair worn in a ponytail and a like-colored goatee. He has silver-blue eyes. He is lean but muscular. His clothes are dark with earthen hues that are well-made but not fancy and he often wears a cloak with a hood. His boots are old military scout boots that don’t quite fit the rest of his attire. On the left side of his chest he has a single elven character neatly branded into his skin. He carries an extremely well made elven sword on his left hip and an elven short sword on his back or right hip. He also carries a sheath of five  throwing blades in a harness on his right thigh.
Kir VsevolodPlayer925Kir was a big man.  Muscular with grey-green hued skin that let others know that he is an Ogrun but he doesn't fit the usual mold.  As imposing as he would be for a human he looks relatively puny compared to most of his fellow kin and if ever there was an outlier in the genetic breeding that had been done Kir definitely fit that deviation of course only an accomplished academic would notice...or the now departed giants that had made him in the desired image.  A coppery-rust colored hair tightly covered his head and slightly golden eyes peered out from the rough spun dark golden-brown vangal mane cloak that he has tossed over his shoulders and clasped at the neck with a similarly colored beetle.  As the cloak moves in the slight breeze it revealed the hilt of a dagger poking up out of his left boot and a long handled blade that even when sheathed tended to carry a small crust of frost on the cross-guard.  The rough outline of a pack concealed under the tough thread of the cloak let others know he was out for more than simply a stroll.
Mosco ZainePlayer35Mosco is a male Yutani, frequently seen with a smile on his face, his sea green eyes twinkling and his brown hair in high ponytail, tied with a blue silk ribbon through which is woven threads of platinum.  Occasionally, there may be a pair of smoky goggles resting on his forehead, slightly obscuring his ponytail when seen from the front. He's typically wearing a mix of functional and flashy clothing that includes a long orange scarf, complemented by a heavy black leather cloak that looks like it's been through a fire or two (odd, as the rest of his person appears impeccably clean).  He's lightly armed - a whip of exquisite craftsmanship at his left side, along with an oversized dagger, and on his right, a silvery metallic star with a grip in the center (a starknife, to clarify).  Across his chest are two bandoliers, each holding a number of vials, bottles, and wooden sticks.  From beneath all that peeks a silvery mail shirt, and on his right ring finger, a ring of coral, similar in color to his eyes.
Ona Bai MaoPlayer370Bai Mao is Teishan for "White Hat". A tall white hat often adorns the head of this tall lean Ikkosi who is silver-blonde of hair and violet of eyes. He often has a joyousness on his features of a half elf that loves his life and wishes to share his happiness with those around him. Though one experienced with the Ikkosi would also see in his features a 'man' that is aged beyond his years, a man that has seen much pain, torment and suffering.
Zuel DynnPlayer0
Pari HisariInactive Player7
Sloan ChapmanInactive Player797
TinkerInactive Player14
Henrik GoldmenInactive Player117
AkiNPC (Familiar)2
Broc'LeanNPC (Artifact)4
cpt_ Belasko DiabloNPC407
Grogun OzgudNPC0
NPC FrontiersmenNPC (List)0
NPC ImperialsNPC (List)0
NPCs TravelersNPC (List)0
Red CelesteNPC110
RhysNPC (dependent)9
Shane DarraghNPC19
Victor ArdashNPC26
xo_ Grant BlackNPC22