
First:the main expectation is that all players will work with each other. Character conflict is acceptable in the game as long as it doesn’t impact any individual PLAYER’s fun. We are here to play AND have fun, not argue without a forward resolution.
Second:Please reread the First Rule.
Third:Player’s may choose to write their own script. Involve themselves in opportunities that are not specifically plot created. If doing so involves the interests of a quorum. This game is a semi-sandbox style of play. However, there is a general narrative and a number of plot lines which will converge into a single over-arching story, to be discovered, responded and interacted with. If plot hooks are ignored it may generate a some negative player consequences or, possibly, lasting regional repercussions as events unfold in the game world. I will do my level best to assure that plot-based hooks will have “something of interested to each character” however I cannot hope to involve any character in the same way a self-motivated player may choose to involve himself.
Lastly:I will attempt to run my campaign as “real-time” as possible; [i.e. the bad guys will not wait for you to show up at your convenience to thwart them and save the day]. They will be doing whatever it is in their nature to do, just like real people.  That being said, players will have some downtime (for crafting items or blue booking item resale economics) unless there is a time-constraint as part of the scenario.