
The beginning of this nation’s history was as a particularly reviled but entirely to successful economic force during the prior centuries of outright barbarism. The Novus Ordum are no longer truly buccaneers since joining signing the accords of peace and the Covenant of Kings. The new nation now operates as the larges conglomeration of private naval mercenaries sacking those ships not a part of, or who will not treat with, the Central Empire. Each individual captain, ship, and crew is consistently looking for their own advantage. So as long no one is CAUGHT betraying the trust of the great peace then any behavior is fair and equitable. Capitalist Piracy at its finest. It is, of course, hard to punish the nation as a whole for acts of independent against the treaty… Piracy is still a crime punishable by death. If caught in the act.

All in all its good that this nation is so FAR AWAY from the major ports of the Central Empire. Still, the Novus Ordum is on the friendliest terms with the criminal factions of nearly all nations. As this key nation does not believe in income tax it trade economy is QUITE brisk.
