The Game Master Section

Or, everything that wouldn't fit elsewhere.

OK. Look.
This is the section that is what might most reasonably be called my collection of house rules. I've created this list for the simple reason that while whatever version of DnD X.xx tends to be a fine system, that has been built to satisfy the most people for the least effort while still making a profit.

Having incited me to purchase whatever D20 version, I now have NO allegiance to the RULES AS WRITTEN (RAW) other than to say they are the base from which I have built and modified. Hence the following list of customizations. That said, the changes I've made are what makes sense to me, to this point.  While I enjoy a hearty debate - I don't want it in my various gaming areas.  Think you can convince me that rule isn't fair, viable or worthwhile, awesome. Great! Do it in writing.  And do it here.

Any player in my game may ask for the space to suggest or alter existing rule. If you haven't heard me tell you that previously... that wasn't a mistake.  If you haven't read my site sufficiently to have found this ... that means you weren't committed enough for me to listen to you.  So... Congratulations on finding this easter egg.

Game Masters Manual


House Rules Design======
Deep thoughts & Proposed House Rules.
In testing and In Game.
Whiteboard Space.


Detailed Setting Overview
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