There have been many 'mad men' and prophets over the course of mortal history. Individuals warning against dire threats to continued existence. Most, if not all, of these individuals, have been debunked as the ravings of the lunatic fringe.  Some few are continually revisited as being un-debunkable... but these few tend to be terribly vague. They could apply to any set of historical happenings with a broad enough view of history.

The ones collected below are the ones made particularly famous by either their speaker... or the manner in which they were collected ....or both. 

The first, most notably presented, are the last words spoken by THE arcanist that originated the most infamous Imperial Inquisition - 'the Order of Omens'. Those, most dire questioners, that are the first to frightens anyone who has seen a dark cloaked Raven ride into town.  These are the men (and women) that hunt for arcanists.  And THIS is the Arcanist that all others are weighed against.

These are the last words of the Heretic John Owen Robert Trews or as was, and is, colloquially known as
...  ‘Old Hob’.

You want to know the saddest bit?
I will spend my last moment still trying to free you from your self-induced prison.
I will be executed for telling you the truth.  We may have already lost the war.... so firm is the grip of so call ‘organized’ faith.  A web of deceit and delusion. And yet to abandon it you would only be trading one illusion for another.
Science and rational thought is no better answer. Or at least no truer one. ”

“To the bitter regret of those once in power, the world did NOT destroy itself in a conflagration of inequity.   Our mortality remains. To sin; or not.  Far beyond the day of their declared reckoning.  The day when we ALL should have ‘Paid unto Eternity Doors’ if what they said was true.  The once prophecized End Times did not damn us. Its penalty was not weighed against us.   And you may be filled with REGRET but that is ARROGANCE.

You are conditioned to avoid the truth.   We LIVE!  Even beyond the fabled days AFTER the much-feared END OF ALL DAYS.  We live free
...from the prior prophecies of the last age.
...we were not captured by their fallacies.
Exploit those freedoms while you can!!!

   ...but they will if you do nothing,
    .... the end times will come and you will have failed us all who sacrificed on your behalf.

“*Its a lie.*
A seduction that allows some to lord their purity over others. And belittling everyone in the process. We were never meant to be so small. YOU are imprisoned by your Fears. By THIER descriptions of your flaws ...from some unattainable unimaginable ideal. This flesh was not meant to be Eternal.... why struggle in the attempt to attain some state of perfection. We Are Mortal DESIGNED from clay. It’s our STRENGTH as much as our WEAKNESS.

Why suffer such slings and arrows….
Why be hampered by their confining ‘graces’?
Tomorrow is another Day! Another chance to shed the shackles of complacent ignorance and false righteousness!"

“We can do more than pray to the GODS for their forgiveness. It is not up to them to secure our salvation!!!
It is NOT by their Grace, alone... that determines if we will succeed or fail!
Are WE, not their children, created as THEY would have us be?!
And as THEY would have us act, in truth.

If THEY are truly as powerful, and as wise, as we hope they are… who are WE to doubt their plan?
Surely. If we can succeed without them, IS IT NOT their WILL that we do so??
If they did truly care for us …would they have NOT have left us with some bit more than just the capacity to pray for our salvation? They would have given us the means to ascend by our own power. And they HAVE! its by our ability to do magic! To work the strings of creation itself that we can raise from our base state.”

“Will you…! Will you refute the evidence of your own eyes? Can you say that the true gods DON’T still walk this Material Earth?”

Fulfilling age-old vendettas. Limited by their rigid nature.; And bound by fell purpose.
Should they be willful enough to seek freedom beyond their obligations? Then these poor mirrors of lesser truth’s will roam on this … OUR WORLD…. quenching thirsts and pangs of hunger they barely understand. Acting like tiny despots in their paradigms of the cult of ‘Higher Faith’.

It was not for just one set of children was this GARDEN created!!

“They may be the first  and most powerful uf us; BESOTTED by temptations they were never meant to keep to themselves. BURNING with the consuming fire of vengeance against their eternal counterparts, and BEREFT by a misconstrued betrayal, their inability to turn is the Constant by which they were formed. THEY LACK CHOICE!! Shall we worship them for this weakness when it is not WE who are stronger?

The GODS, our PARENTS, are no longer able to guide us beyond the footsteps of their own path.
Do you intend to hold down your own siblings and spawn as THEY hold down us? We must share the security and comfort in our mutual searching? Seek out the fire to both light the path and inspire the future!!; Become a beacon of all our future generations? Burning brightly, if only for a little while, so that all of our breathren will find their way?

Or ….will you hide your limited bit of knowledge and pursue avarice and wrath. Damning those who you could have saved. And clinging to the illusions of material wealth??

Damn you…
Sacrifice me then to your Savagery if you must.
I will reach out to the Akashic Memory to the children of your children. I will beseech them, our future selves who may know the truth of my words long after I - and you are - gone.

Children,  I bid you rise up. Rise up and realize that YOU must be the ones to face our enemy. You - the protected and the abandoned, you - the ignorant and the wise, YOU - the Praised and the Wicked. YOU.  Must RISE. And protect each other for love, for justice, for kinship, for pride, for innocence, …for Fate’s Sake, if nothing else.

If YOU do not pick up Our Father’s Sword … Our Mother’s Shield… who will defend our right to a Free and Just future?"

- Recorded directly into the Akashic Memory hours before his execution, N.C.E. 268.

The Declaration of the Heretic Jack Trews ended the Age of Power.  His death is lauded by historians as the foundational moment of trust between THREE of the eventual nations of the NINE KEYS.  And the prime example of the Rule of Law enforced by the Nobility and administered by the Church.