I'd like to point out that the most achievable goal of this game is NOT TO WIN. Roleplaying is not a zero-sum, win or lose process.  The point of the game is to be entertaining,  to create and tell an exciting and pleasurable story.  Unlike other roleplaying games, I will not be rewarding the character for succeeding at any given trial.   Instead,  I will assign reward the players for making the game entertaining for everyone.  For periodically reminding everyone via there activity and dialogue the style of fantasy roleplaying that we all may aspire.

In this effort, the Players and the Game Master have an equal responsibility for the shared experience, even if their roles are a bit different when playing.

Though the number of players may be in flux, it is with each player domain of control how their character will experience and interacts with the game world.  Beyond the sort of character each player has decided to play AND the sort of character you have worked with me to create. You should also talk with the other players [in group ' U '].

What are they playing and in what way can the characters complement each other? How might your character have indirectly known of the other person?  How might you have heard of their reputation? Or, had to deal with an extension of their title or status.

Players should establish at least one distinct goal for your character - something that he or she wants to achieve, defend or avoid. As a guideline, this SHOULDN'T BE things which are an inevitable effect of playing and therefore lack dramatic potential fall into this category - for instance, “to get better equipment”, “to get more money”, “to gain more Experience” and “to have more and better abilities”.

Initiate Scenes
You should not be afraid to initiate things, to let your character respond to and interact with the game world.  Let me be aware of this desire.