The Unnamed Cave:
(Discovered and First Cleared by The Mine Expedition)

The Unnamed Cave (so named because no prior adventuring party has given it a name) sits just a few miles outside of Verdee in the side of a hill. The cave itself is relatively small with only three natural chambers. It does not seem like any prior residents of this cave have modified it in any way.

The Mine Expedition was the first group to find the cave and were also the first to clear it out. At that time, six Orcs resided in the cave with a chest containing their belongings (and, oddly, a live chicken). Voag led The Mine Expedition in killing the Orcs, taking their goods, and celebrating with a meal of the formerly-living chicken. Finding nothing else, The Mine Expedition left the cave behind. Frederich & Mathias were the second adventurers to stumble across the cave. They had joined a band of bandits and, in the course of their exploration of the cave, slew a giant spider. However, as they had entered the cave just a day after The Mine Expedition had been there, all they found was the remains of that group's fighting. Disgusted with the lack of loot, Mathias Silverstrings stormed back to Verdee and abandoned the bandit company he had just joined; ending their group.

The Border Guard II was the next group to come across the cave, having been directed to it by a pair of captive Goblins. The Goblins had indicated that they were working for a necromancer and that the rest of their group (the captive Goblins having come from a defeated skirmishing party on the outskirts of Verdee) was inside the cave. After a short but brutal fight that claimed the life of Virgil West, The Border Guard II was able to slay all the Goblins inside (both living and zombified) as well as the necromancer's lieutenant: a resurrected Trrisk-ahnic (an early adventurer that died as part of The Londerth Brewing Company). The successor group to The Border Guard II, To Kill A Necromancer, also visited the cave but only found two small statuettes missed on their prior outing.

The Group To Be Named Later came across the cave and decided to search it for any valuables. Inside they found Kobold refugees forced out from their mine by Voag (formerly of The Mine Expedition). Grail and the rest of the Group To Be Named Later abandoned their original idea of looting the cave and instead took the Kobolds with them to regain custody of their mine for them.

The Flock of Sages explored the cave a short time later but did not discover anything worthy of note aside from bear tracks in the sole chamber they checked. The Little March was the band of explorers that encountered that group of bears and slew them despite not originally intending to do so. Looting the cave rewarded them with a veritable treasure trove of valuables: the bears had clearly been feeding on travellers in the area and had been eating well based on the number of bones found in the cave.

Completed Groups That Have Been Here:

Total Creatures Slain At This Location:
Total: 34
6 Orcs
1 Giant Spider
11 Goblins
11 Zombie Goblins
1 Undead Trrisk-ahnic
4 Black Bears

Total Loot Obtained From This Location:
Total: 374 GP
36 GP
1 EP
169 SP
627 CP

Step-Cut Oblong Grey Moonstone (worth 175 GP)
Polished Brown Tourmaline (worth 28 GP)
Large Pearl (worth 25 GP)
Glass Orb (worth 20 GP)
Small Jade Statuette (worth 20 GP)
2 Polished Marble Statuettes Of Goblins (worth 10 GP each)
Small Pearl (worth 9 GP)
Leather-bound Book: Evocation And You: A User's Guide (worth 8 GP)
Water-Damaged Painting of An Oak Tree (worth 5 GP)
Fine Blue Doublet (worth 3 GP)
Bedroll (worth 1 GP)
Waterskin Decorated W/ Serpentinite (worth 4 SP)
Whetstone (worth 1 CP)

2 Unidentified Potions

Total Value Obtained By Group
#1The Little March (TLM)297.3 GP
#2The Mine Expedition53 GP
#3To Kill A Necromancer (TKAN)20 GP
#4The Border Guard II (TBG II)3.7 GP
#5Frederich & Mathias0 GP
#5Group To Be Named Later (GNL)0 GP
#5Flock of Sages0 GP