The word "adult" means different things to different people. It can mean something that deals with mature themes, something that includes those under a certain age or something that includes explicit depictions of sexual acts.  For the purposes of this game, I will use all 3 definitions in varying ways.

Primarily this game is adult because it deals with themes best kept away from minors (at RPOL, this specifically means individuals under the age of 18) and those that join the game will be in this default setting. Drug abuse, love, sex, and death are all included in these themes to a degree, including others.  On this level, this game will read like an adult novel (romance, crime, action/adventure, etc), insinuating these acts but not going into graphic detail about anything.  (examples)

Second, there will come times in the game where some relationship or other will need or be desired to be explored further.  Specifically, I'm speaking of two characters (PCs or NPCs) getting emotionally or romantically involved.  These explorations will have a minor impact on the general story but will be some degree of adult explicitness but in a of a romance/erotic novel type vein.  These side stories will be made available to those who wish to follow two characters' relationship or wish to participate in their own "love stories".  This group is available to everyone on request only and is considered "group 2".  If you wish to join this group, PM me you wish to join "group 2" and you'll see topics when they are posted.

Lastly, there is an adult side to the game for those who wish it.  Erotic writing of a graphic and explicit nature is not everyone's cup of tea.  This will read a bit more graphically as depictions of sex and sexual relations are described.  This group will not only be available to those players who request it but only to those who have proven themselves to be able to handle this kind of content and follow the rules of RPOL.  The DM is the sole judge of who does and does not get into this group.  If you would like to be considered for this group the same process applies for those that want to be in group 2.  Just specify group 3 and that will be enough.