Scattershot, or Dorothy to her friends, is a young girl in her mid-20s. Not much is known about her - no last name is even known; and there is not a hint to be found on her on public record. All that is known is the public persona she gives off - Scattershot. Flight, telekinetic shielding; an impressive ability to move things with her powers. But that doesn't say anything about -her-, and other than a slight British accent, there is not even a hint about her background.

Description: Very charming, and more than a bit pretty. She's not overly tall, but she's well built, and amazingly quick on her feet. When she does look at your, her green eyes are vibrant and full of life - unless asked about her past. A shadow falls over her eyes then, and they look almost dead.

Charisma 14, Attractive 1.

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