
Peka "Copper" Yarvin

When placing dates, use the Golarion specific calendar. We use the same year with the campaign, 4715 AR, which has the same structure as our present year, 2015. But since the game pace isn't the same as real life pace, we'll start off with Moonday 22th of Sarenith, 4715 AR (GM's 29th birthday). When writing your journal, present the date in the beforementioned format.

DayGeneral purposeReal life equivalent
MoondayWork, religion (night)Monday
OathdayWork, pacts signed, oaths swornThursday
SundayRest, religionSunday

Golarion MonthGregorian MonthDays in MonthSeason
Abadius (ah-BAY-dee-us)Januar)31 daysWinter
Calistril (KAHL-izz-trihl)February28 daysWinter
Pharast (fah-RAHST)Marc)31 daysSpring
Gozran (GOHZ-ran)April30 daysSpring
Desnus (DEZ-nuhs)May31 daysSpring
Sarenith (sa-REHN-ihth)June30 daysSummer
Erastus (eh-RAS-tuhs)July31 daysSummer
Arodus (AIR-oh-duhs)August31 daysSummer
Rova (ROH-va)September30 daysFall
Lamashan (lah-MAHSH-ahn)October31 daysFall
Neth (NEHTH)November30 daysFall
Kuthona (koo-THOH-nah)December31 daysWinter