There are some who defy the foundations on which reality rests. They bend or break the laws of nature, claiming their arcane means of inflicting their will upon an unsuspecting world gives them the right to do so. In truth they make use of dangerously unstable scientific principles which threaten the very fabric of reality, using faulty logic, misguided principles and a broken moral compass to justify their actions. They must be stopped. Humanity's survival depends on it.

Known Facts
*There are nine basic groups besides the Nephandi and Marauders. Unlike the Technocracy their methods and philosophies differ widely and this is a weakness that can be exploited.
*Your supervisor will determine whether a given deviant can be shown the error of their ways and recruited into the Technocracy or needs to be eliminated.

Observe and report to Supervisor. Do not communicate unless your supervisor orders you to. Follow up with issued contingencies.