Common wisdom divides all of creation into several Worlds, that are spoken of as if they are different places, despite it being known that they would more accurately be described as overlapping "phases", "planes", or "states" of existence and thought and not actually geography. Each place has a corresponding counterpart in the other Worlds, that will have similar traits, possibly being recognizable even, when on others. The different Worlds are:

The Mortal World - The World that we know, inhabited by mortal men and women, beasts of burden and the wilds, and the center of the multiverse according to the common interpretation.

The Demon World - A World of chaos, where ice crystal mountains tower over flowing hills of searing magmatic rock, where grasses made of lightning swish in cool watery breezes. This World is inhospitable in the best of places, and downright lethal everywhere else, and is home to a fearsome category of being, the Demons for which the World is named.

The Shadow World - A dreary World of darkness and sorrow, the realm of the dead and undead, dreams and nightmares, and the mind shattering secrets of Things That Should Not Be.

The World That Was - Formerly the Heavens of the Gods, this World has been lost to the Mortal World for longer than living memory, save for the most ancient of beings. Before the Ward was created, sealing The Mortal World off from easy access by the others, it is said that a great corruption took this World and made it into an unfathomable Hell.

The Borderlands - Not so much a world, as the space in between, in so much as there can be something in between worlds that overlap one another. Sages speak of the regions "close" to another world as The Ethereal, a dreary gray fog through which glimpses of the world can be seen, and The Astral, a purer silvery gray realm where time and space begin to lose all meaning.