Lost Valentia
The walled off kingdom to the north, nestled high in the snowy peaks of the mountains. Suffered a great loss due to the star fall a dozen winters past. Little but darkness and hungry shades now roam those frozen reaches. The pass leading to and from the kingdom was collapsed years ago to prevent the spread of ruin from the epicenter of the star fall. Before the kingdom was sealed, few of the ruling Houses fled south, a great and arduous exodus that left the people depleted. the royal House of Valeni was much reduced, and a distant heir to the throne remains in exile, hoping for a chance to reclaim the mountain citadel that is the ancestral Valeni home.

The Fall of Valentia
When the first trouble began, it was not from the peaks where the meteorite had impacted, but from within the palace itself. Strange growths of large meter spanning crystal formations sprung from the foundations and across the city in the span of two days time. The citizenry began taking ill, at first growing pale and weak, but also irritable and increasingly violent as the days wore on. Some were immune, and tried to help, or took the time to flee before the city could be quarantined from within. the illness struck nobles and lower class alike, though the worst was those working directly with the metals obtained from the meteorite, having altered it with magic at the king's behest. The crystal plague did not spread beyond the castle walls with any great speed after the first series of growths,  it took time and was slow in overtaking the Kingdom. This is what gave the outer Houses and various demesnes time to make their stand and try to halt the plague, or to leave the mountains and recover elsewhere.

The mountainous region is home to various mines, rich in precious metals useful for trade, crafting and most notably the forging of arms and armor. The distinctive tint to Northern weaponry is in part due to the metalworking techniques, and in the steel alloy created from the deposits of Arline found only in the region, and heavily restricted as a result. The produce of that alloy went far in gaining the Kingdom its original wealth.

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